Visit Australia as often as you wish in a 12-month period. W przypadku tej strony informacje nie są dostępne. Who needs the eVisitor visa for Australia ? Find out the eVisitor requirements, all information and how to apply for the subclass visa 6online. If you would like to travel to Australia , EU passport holders can apply online for an eVisitor visa with the Austrlaian Visa Bureau. Visitor wiza pozwala na podróż w celach turystycznych lub biznesowych do Australii.
Jest przyznawana na pobyt maxymalnie miesiące i musi być . Visitor – australijski system wiz elektronicznych uruchomiony w dniu 27. System eVisitor zezwala na podróż i przebywanie na terenie Australii przez okres 3. Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection, . Once granted an eVisitor is subject to the following conditions: You must comply with your eVisitor conditions. If you intend to visit Australia for tourism, you are required to apply for a tourist visa.
Find how to apply online, conditions, processing time, cost. Pojawi się kolejne okienko z nagłówkiem eVisitor (subclass 651). If you go to Australia on holiday or on business, you can apply for an eVisitor Visa : applying online is easy and you can get a decision quickly: Apply Now. Citizens of most European countries wishing to visit Australia for a brief vacation or business trip (up to three months) may apply online for an eVisitor visa.